Industry Sector
Service Required
Customer Satisfaction Survey
Method Used
Telephone Survey
What They Needed
After a period in which little market research information had been collected, Cornish Mutual Assurance decided to undertake a brand renewal exercise in 2007, followed by twice-yearly tracking surveys for their Treating Customers Fairly (TCF) programme. As a specialist insurer, the broker has a personal approach towards their loyal customers. As such the research had to be sensitive to reflect this.
What We Did
Working closely with the client, Marketing Means designed a series of tailored telephone depth interviews for the initial brand renewal exercise. These included questions to understand why some of the long-standing customers were so loyal to the brand, as well as other questions on a series of customer satisfaction measures to estimate the likely loyalty of newer customers.
The initial research formed the basis of the company’s brand renewal, helping the company to adapt their traditions to suit a changing market.
Since 2008, Marketing Means has conducted a telephone survey of approximately 200 customer interviews every 6 months. This on-going programme meets the requirements of TCF, and also provides continuing value to the agency through the provision of reliable, independent research analysis.
Cornish Mutual has worked with Marketing Means for a number of years. We have always found their friendly team to be experts in their field who find an approach that is best for our budget and offer useful advice on the option available to us. Melissa Ward, Head of Marketing