Exeter City Council is currently reviewing the provision of taxi services in the city. The Council has commissioned Marketing Means to help with the consultation by:
(a) conducting telephone interviews with a representative sample of 500 members of the general public in Exeter (see below). This survey complements an online survey at the Council’s website (available here: Taxi survey link) which anyone can complete.
(b) conducting a series of five focus groups with different interest groups, ranging from taxi drivers to students to representatives of charities and voluntary sector organisations across the city. All of these groups will take place at the Civic Centre in central Exeter.
Among the options being considered are changes to the livery of Exeter City Council hackney cabs, for example the read and black design shown above. The discussions will also cover the possibility of issuing more hackney carriage licenses in Exeter. Marketing Means is working with Exeter City Council’s Environmental Health and Licensing department on this survey. Further details can be found at this link at ECC’s website: ECC taxi consultation. The project has also received coverage in the Exeter Express and Echo: Plans for Exeter Taxis.
NOTE: Marketing Means carries out public opinion polling by telephone using random digit dialling, or RDD. Numbers known to be linked to specific postal addresses are used as seeds in particular ward or postcode areas, in this case all 16 wards across Exeter . The set of seeds is used as the basis of random number generation simply by adding +/- 1, 2,3 to the seed numbers, thereby generating the size of sample required. Business numbers are screened out, to leave only residential telephone numbers. To increase the representation of households without landlines, accounting for an ever-increasing proportion of addresses, we also select a sub-set of mobile telephone numbers. These are purchased from a commercial supplier of mobile numbers matched to specified postcode.